Respondent name
Jenny Brow (Ainscough Strategic Land)
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Modification if applicable

Land at Delph Farm, Winwick is a deliverable and sustainable site, which should be considered if the Council determine they need to increase their flexibility or if an emerging allocation is considered not deliverable throughout the examination process.

Summary of comments

ASL agree that the stepped trajectory is a sensible approach to allow time for larger allocations to get on site and start delivering. ASL support the policy text which states that the housing requirement is a minimum figure but suggests that to meet the objective of being ?one of the most important economic hubs in the UK?, that higher minimum housing targets would have helped to support this ambition. Adequate housing and infrastructure provision need to be delivered to match this economic growth. Affordability is already an issue within Warrington, as expressed in Paragraph 2.1.12. Economic growth without the housing to meet this growth will only worsen this issue further. Therefore, the economic growth ambitions need to be taken into account when calculating housing needs. The Plan includes two large strategic sites at South East Warrington and Fiddler's Ferry. It is well known and not uncommon for strategic sites of this size to take much longer to be delivered than originally anticipated. This is often due to the infrastructure which is needed to deliver schemes of this scale. It is noted and supported that the Council have allocated 10% over their requirement to allow for flexibility in case some sites don?t come forward or aren?t delivered as quickly as anticipated. It is also noted that the Council are committed to considering an early review if they are unable to demonstrate a 5 year housing land supply. However, to prevent a possible early review, the Council could consider increasing their flexibility within the plan to prevent such an early review having to take place. Land at Delph Farm is suitable for residential, mixed-use or employment development. The site is in single-ownership, is sustainably located and technically deliverable and should be considered by the Council if it is determined through the examination process that further land is required for any of these uses or if there are concerns around the soundness of the plan.