Respondent name
John Lydon
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

The Western lInk business case is difficult to see. You have it at ?220M in the supporting documents. That figure, based on a revision of the case from 2017 is under severe pressure owing to well-known construction materials and labour inflation since the pandemic and Brexit. Without Port Warrington and the Commercial Park, the main case is for housing. Just over 1000 houses in the 18 year life of the plan? That's not many for ?220M, and to put it into perspective it's a fraction of even the smallest of Warrington's wards. Congestion benefits are moot: a) building roads doesn't fix congestion - it makes more traffic owing to induced and latent demand; b) If the road appears attractive any initial congestion benefit becomes self-limiting; c) the new housing in the 'Waterfront' development has to travel to either Sankey Way or Walton Lea to then join the wider network - the proximity to Warrington's urban centre is overstated. On foot or bike, (particularly on foot) the average distance from the houses to the town centre (eg Market Gate) will not seem close, being of the order of a mile at best and not through a very favourable walking environment at least initially. The western link's business case is surely evaporating. That's without taking into account any of the broader downsides eg losing mature urban green space at Sankey Bridges.

One additional, general, point - your form suggests that an opinion ought to be expressed as to legal compliance and compliance with the duty to co-operate. I neither agree nor disagree on those and am not expressing an opinion, however the phrasing - 'Please select one option in each row' suggests that the item should be completed. The form should have a 'Neither agree nor disagree' option.

Modification if applicable

Drop the Western Link.

Paragraph/policy sub

Policy INF2, 2.d - Western link