Respondent name
Wendy Johnson-Taylor
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

4.3.9 is unsound - there is no need locally for additional retail facilities. The proposed development would adversely impact existing retail outlet facilities. It would in put local facilities under financial pressure and threaten their future viability. The area is already well served with shopping malls and local centres which have an array of different retail outlets. There is no for more and no need for more competition.

10.4.2 is unsound - the community does not meet the definition of sustainable. A car-dependent community. Poor public transport links. Little or no safe walking/cycling facilities outside of the site. The site is completely landlocked with no infrastructure.

10.4.6 Zero infrastructure. Local roads designed for scattered housing developments and not designed to accommodate the amount of traffic that will be generated by this site. This development would severely impact traffic on local roads. No acceptable package of mitigation measures have been demonstrated at two public inquiries.

MD 4.3
Design of proposed houses include some three-storey builds. Too obtrusive on existing communities and not in character of surrounding house design. Doubtful whether the scheme will devote 30% to affordable housing.
Public transport services would be sub-standard. Current proposals involve a 3-5 year cut off period. No long term agreement has been established. This will leave a community dependent on cars. This community would not have easy accessibility to satisfactory and long-term public transport services.
The community would be self-contained and would not blend harmoniously with existing communities.
There are not enough areas dedicated to open or green spaces.
Homes built too close to motorway network and within designated AQMAs.
The site is prone to flooding, it has poor drainage and is a contributor to serious local flooding events.
Too little consideration is being devoted to the area's biodiversity. The site has well established wildlife habitat and little, if no attention, being drawn to assurances and mitigation measurers to protect both plant and wildlife.
This site is not sustainable therefore unsound.


Modification if applicable

This plan should not include Peel Hall. Several applications have been submitted up to public inquiry level and have been refused/dismissed. The site represents an unsustainable location for development. It is completely landlocked with zero infrastructure. Traffic on local roads is already severe and other developments in local boroughs already threaten to overload the network. There have been three serious flooding events that rendered local housing estates under water. Peel Hall was a significant contributor to those events. The site currently has significant poor drainage issues which are not being addressed.