Respondent name
Mrs Peak
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

I am writing in response to the Warrington Local Plan Consultation document and would like to express my Husband and my concerns and make the following representation against the plan.
Point 1 and a very critical point is that the government has now backtracked on its intended use of green belt land. The Government is now looking to use brownfield sites where possible. Warrington Borough Council do not appear to have taken the Government's new plan into consideration and appear to still be planning to use green belt land. WHY?
Point 2 It would be preferable for WBC to look at the brownfield sites available for any potential development that may be needed as opposed to Green field sites which cause such trauma for people and residents of these areas.
Point 3 The plan does not seem to have taken the present infrastructure of the area or the traffic disruption both during construction and subsequently into consideration. Currently the A50 becomes very congested during rush hour and at other times during the day. This would multiply dramatically when there are any issues on the M6. Traffic can currently be brought to a standstill for long periods and this can only get worse.
Point 4 The plan does not take into account or does not appear to have considered the greatly increased traffic across the ship canal entering into and out of Warrington and how that will affect commuters.
Point 5 It appears that this development is being driven by developers and not based on need in the South Warrington area. Certainly not the need of the South Warrington residents. There will be no improvement on any level for the residents of South Warrington. The opposite will happen as the standard of living and the reduction of green belt will have a detrimental effect on the leisure and pleasure of the residents. Point 6 The plan does not seem to fulfil the need for affordable housing.
Point 7 Our understanding is that there needs to be exceptional circumstances for green belt land to be used. There is no indication of what these exceptional circumstances are. In summary Warrington needs to consider how it can develop both industry, facilities and housing in the development of Warrington as a whole without destroying present rural areas.