Respondent name
Joanne Webster
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The council are planning to extend Grappenhall Heys primary school to accommodate children from all of the new houses being in Appleton and Stretton. I have been a governor at St. Matthews primary school in Stretton which is an outstanding school and is over the road from hundreds of proposed new homes in Stretton. So, why would you ask parents to drive 2 and 1/2 miles to Grappenhall Heys, when they could simply walk over the road to an outstanding school. St Matthews is bursting at the seams. So unless you can rebuild St Matthews, all of those houses in Stretton is a terrible idea. The traffic at the Cat and Lion junction is also horrific and if you add all those parents being asked to drive to Grappenhall, Broomfields or Appleton Thorn schools, the problem just increases. Broomfields Leisure centre is terrible. Dated and dilapidated, you take your life in your hands trying to get to the football pitches around the back. The new road from Walton to Bank Quay is amazing. The problem is now that the traffic flows continuously from the new road and the main road leaving no gaps for traffic turning out from either Gainsborough Road or by the Stag pub. Both very dangerous junctions. We don?t want to stop new houses being built in the area but please don?t allow them until traffic, schools and leisure are also catered for before they come.