What is whistleblowing?

Whistleblowing is a procedure that enables serious concerns over malpractice or wrongdoing to be raised without fear of victimisation, discrimination or harassment.

We are committed to the highest possible standards of transparency, probity and accountability. We encourage employees and anyone we work in partnership with to raise any serious concerns you may have about any aspect of our work. The earlier a concern is raised, the easier it is to take action and deal with the matter.

Member of the public

You can use this whistleblowing process but first follow our complaints process.

Make a complaint

Benefit fraud

We have a dedicated procedure for reporting suspected benefit fraud.

Report suspected benefit fraud

Working in schools

There is a separate procedure for staff working in schools. If you work in a school, you should be able to find details of the procedure on your internal network.

Making a whistleblowing referral

You can make a referral online or over the phone, please use our online system first.

To make a referral over the phone, please call 01925 442360 (Confidential 24 hour answerphone)

How will my referral be dealt with?

All referrals are confidential and your identity will not be disclosed without your consent. We will pass your referral to the most appropriate officer for investigation and we will keep you informed of progress. Not all complaints will require a full investigation – there may be insufficient evidence to proceed or the matter may be resolved informally.

You will not be given copies of any investigative reports, but we will advise you of the outcome of the investigation as soon as it is completed.

25 July 2022