Bus lane information

Details of the location, operational times, signs and road markings for the bus lane to help you not get a fine.

Where is the bus lane?

Winwick Road, WA2 7DH
Next to the Halliwell Jones Stadium

When is it in operation?

24 hours per day

Who can use the bus lane?

Bus and cycle only

Bus lane signs and road markings

There are signs and road markings approaching the bus lane and on side streets around it.

Winwick Road bus lane - Advanced warning sign

Advanced warning sign

Winwick Road bus lane - The approach to the bus lane coming from the Town Centre

The approach to the bus lane coming from the Town Centre

Winwick Road bus lane - The start of the bus lane next to Dominoes

The start of the bus lane next to Dominoes

Winwick Road bus lane - Directional signage from the car park at Dominoes

Directional signage from the car park at Dominoes

Winwick Road bus lane - Signage showing the bus lane in operation

Signage showing the bus lane in operation

Winwick Road bus lane - Bus lane exit

Bus lane exit

Winwick Road bus lane - Directional signage on traffic lights

Directional signage on traffic lights

Winwick Road bus lane - View from Silver Street.jpg

View from Silver Street

How can I appeal or pay a fine?

Further information can be found on our bus lanes and fines page

15 January 2024