When you make a claim for housing benefit and council tax support you have certain responsibilities throughout the lifetime of your claim.

Completing a benefit claim form

Your responsibilities are to:

  • read and understand your claim form thoroughly
  • answer every question
  • give full information, without missing details that have been asked for
  • read, sign and understand the declaration at the end of the form

If you live with your partner, you both have the responsibility to provide accurate information as shown above.

Receiving letters from us

We will write to you when we have assessed your claim, and then we will write to you again every time we make a change to your claim. You have responsibilities when you receive a letter from us:

  • read the letter thoroughly
  • check that any details shown are correct, for example, check that the income details used in assessment are correct
  • inform us straight away if anything is not correct.

Telling us about a change of circumstances 

You are required by law to tell us of any changes in your circumstances.

3 February 2023