Children's homes regulation 44 visits

What is a regulation 44 visit?

All children’s residential homes have to abide by legislation and regulations. The Children Homes (England) Regulations (2015) set out how we are required to review, monitor and manage our homes, and more importantly, how we care for our children and young people to a high standard, ensuring they reach, and where possible, exceed their potential.

One of the regulations is 'regulation 44' and this is within Part 6 the monitoring and reviewing children’s homes section of the regulations.

The regulation is clear in its definition of who is ‘independent’. It states that "an independent person must visit the home on a monthly basis to carry out an inspection". Following the inspection, which includes discussions with young people, families and other professionals, a report is produced and issued to Ofsted, following the comments of the home's registered manager and responsible individual.

Warrington has dedicated and experienced independent visitors who conduct the visits.

The visitors are:

  • conference and review managers (none of which have a duty to review or manage the care plans for the children in the home)
  • Warrington Borough Council elected members
  • members of the commissioning service who conduct compliance visits to private residential homes
  • other persons deemed to be independent as defined by the regulations

The main purpose of the visits is to ensure our children and young people are safeguarded and have all aspects of their wellbeing promoted and respected.

While visiting the homes, visitors will look at the young people’s files and conduct interviews with professionals. They will meet and talk to children and young people living in the home to ascertain their views, comments and any complaints about the running of the home. The visit provides children’s residential services with an independent oversight of the home and is seen as a supportive and critical tool for the registered managers and staff to analyse their practice.

At the end of the visit the independent visitor will provide a report to HMCI (Her Majesties Chief Inspector).

7 October 2019