As corporate parents, we asked children what they wanted from professionals whilst they are in our care. We agreed to follow the pledge and to do all in our power to carry out  these nine promises, as written by our children in Warrington.

1. Hopes and dreams

Help us to achieve our goals by supporting us and encouraging us through challenging times. Like all children, we have dreams about what we want to achieve and do in life and we need your support to make these come true.

2. Respect and trust

Don’t judge us, show us understanding when things are not good.

3. Equality

Treat us the same, it’s not our fault.

We don’t want to be treated differently than other children because we are children in care.

4. Live and learn

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, so allow us to make mistakes and learn from them.

5. Promises

Be honest with us and trust us. We are children in care and some of us have been let down in the past and need you to keep your promises to us.

6. Listen

Let our voice be heard, listen to what we want.

7. Fairness

Love us like we are one of your own because we didn’t make this choice. Make us feel part of family life. Whether we have foster carers, live with relatives, or in a children’s home, we want to be a key member of the family or the group and have the opportunity to join in all activities.

8. Fun

Help our hobbies to become a reality.

9. Understand

Walk in our shoes. Being in care can be good but we need help to guide and support us along.

31 January 2023