Upcoming meetings

Some of the meetings may not be open to the public and press, please email the democratic services team for more information.

The live webcast is unavailable for the Development Management Committee taking place on Wednesday 17 January 2024. A recording will be made available following the meeting. 

Visit CMIS to view all upcoming committees and meetings


Cabinet – Town Hall, Sankey Street, Warrington, WA1 1UH – 6pm



Council – Parr Hall, Palmyra Square, Warrington, WA1 1BL – 6.15pm



Supporting information

List of committees

Appeals committee

This committee has seven members.

The role of the appeals committee is to:

  • hear and determine any appeal lodged by an employee under the council's Disciplinary or Capability Procedures
  • hear and determine any dispute concerning remuneration, conditions of employment and working conditions to the extent that they are not the responsibility of some independent arbitrator or judicial body
  • hear and hear and determine an employee appeal against dismissal
  • hear and determine any appeal relating to any matter that is not the responsibility of any other committee of the council


Audit and corporate governance committee

This committee has 6 elected members.

The delegated functions of the committee are to:

  • Discharge the responsibilities set out in the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2003
  • Develop, maintain, monitor and review the council's code of corporate governance and to undertake, as appropriate, an assessment of wider governance issues, including the constitution and the administration and conduct of the council's business and report to council as necessary
  • Oversee, monitor and review the finance procedure rules and report to council as necessary
  • Monitor and review the council's audit functions and requirements in relation to both internal and external audit
  • Agree, monitor and review the council's risk management strategy and to ensure that effective risk management is embedded throughout the council
  • Ensure the council has in place appropriate policies and processes to safeguard the council's resources and their use including appropriate mechanisms for anti-fraud and corruption
  • Monitor and review the Section 151 Officer (the council's chief finance officer) and his/her appointed deputies in the performance of their duties and responsibilities
  • Approve the council's Statement of Accounts and Statement of Internal Control as authorised by the council and as required under the relevant Accounts and Audit Regulations
  • Approve the council's council tax base each year

The cabinet, previously known as the executive board, is accountable for certain functions operated by council officers. It has to operate in line with the council's constitution and has the power to set up sub-committees where appropriate.

It is made up of these councillors, who have the following responsibilities: 

  • Councillor Hans Mundry – Leader/Highways, transportation & public realm
  • Councillor Jean Flaherty – Deputy leader/Childrens, Families and Education
  • Councillor Sue Emery - Poverty, Inequality and Protection
  • Councillor Laura Watson - Economy, Growth and Quality Work
  • Councillor Maureen McLaughlin - Health, Wellbeing and Social Care
  • Councillor John Kerr-Brown - Housing Services and Licensing
  • Councillor Hitesh Patel – Climate Change, Sustainability and the Environment
  • Councillor Tony Higgins – Communities, Culture and Leisure
  • Councillor Denis Matthews – Finance, Assets and Investments
  • Councillor Nathan Sudworth - Organisation, Innovation and Co-operation

Overall cabinet responsibilities:

  • To make key decisions that either have a significant impact on the community or have considerable financial implications
  • Full authority to implement the policy and budgetary frameworks of the council. This means that most decisions do not need the approval of full council
  • The cabinet can delegate decisions to an individual executive member or senior officer. However, all key decisions must be included in the council's forward plan
  • The cabinet has public meetings every four weeks
Chief officer employment committee

This committee has five members.

The responsibilities of the committee include:

  • To discharge the council's role and responsibilities in selecting and/or appointing chief and deputy chief officers in accordance with the council's management structure and recruitment policies with particular regard to the requirements of the staff employment procedure rules
  • To discharge similarly the role and responsibilities of the council in the dismissal of a chief of deputy chief officer again having particular regard to the requirements of the staff employment procedure rules
Constitutional sub-committee

The Constitutional Sub-Committee is a sub-committee of the audit and corporate governance committee.

This committee has five elected members.

The delegated functions of the committee are:

  • To make recommendations to the audit and corporate governance committee upon the development and maintenance of, and amendments to, the council's constitution

The council is made up of 58 elected members, known as councillors, who each represent one of the 22 wards within Warrington. 

Some wards have more than one councillor serving them and the number of seats varies depending on the area and population served. The borough has 14 three-member wards and eight two-member wards. Each councillor serves on the council for a four-year term.  

Council meetings 

All councillors meet together as the full council every eight weeks. Here councillors decide the council's overall policies and set the budget each year.

A full list of the functions of the council can be found within the council's constitution

Political make up of the council

  • Labour: 42 seats

  • Liberal Democrats: 12 seats

  • Independent - one seat

  • Independent - one seat

  • Independent - one seat

  • Conservative - one seat

Council leader: Councillor Hans Mundry

Deputy leader: Councillor Janet Henshaw

Committee of council placements 2019-20 and outside body representations 2019-20
Development management committee

This committee has 12 elected members.

The committee makes decisions with respect to planning matters (including the granting of planning permissions and decisions with respect to enforcement of planning matters), and tree preservation orders:

  • Applications for development which, in the opinion of the executive director of environment and regeneration services, are major strategic planning applications
  • Applications for development which have given rise to material planning objections received from ten persons or more at the end of the statutory consultation period
  • Approval of, or consultation upon, planning policy documents in accordance with the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 and any subsequent amendments
Health and wellbeing board

This committee has 27 members.

  • three senior officers of the council
  • six councillors
  • four representatives of NHS Warrington clinical commissioning group (CCG)
  • one joint council/CCG officer
  • 13 representatives from partner organisations e.g. NHS providers, social care providers, voluntary organisations, education, housing and the criminal justice system.

The main role of the board is to encourage those who arrange for the provision of health and social care services in Warrington to work closely together and in an integrated manner. Its main aims are to:

  • deliver improved wellbeing, morbidity, mortality and equality outcomes for Warrington residents
  • promote integration and partnership working between the NHS, social care, public health and other local services
  • improve local democratic accountability across the health and social care system

It also carries out the council’s responsibilities in respect of approving key strategic documents such as the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)Local Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment and the annual plans for use of the Better Care Fund [NHS website].

The board also oversees the borough-wide Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019-2023.

Health scrutiny committee
Independent remuneration panel
Licensing committee

This committee has 15 elected members.

The delegated functions of the committee are to:

  • Receive reports in respect of the operation of the ‘Licensing Reviews' under the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005 and to receive reports in respect of all other licensing regimes which are the responsibility of the council
  • Determine applications for licences under the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005 in respect of which relevant representations have been received and not withdrawn
  • To determine a review or variation of any licence under the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005
  • To recommend to Full Council fees payable for all matters arising under the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005 for which fees may be set
  • To consider and make recommendations in relation to the making of Alcohol Consumption in Designated Public Places Orders under the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001
  • Determine applications for Hackney Carriage and private hire drivers' licences where the applicant has failed to meet the criteria of being a fit and proper person
  • Determine an appeal from the decision of an authorised or delegated officer to suspend, revoke or refuse to renew any existing licence
  • Determine any objections in relation to the fees payable to the Council in respect of any licensing application or registration
  • Determine objections in relation to the fixing and variation of the table of fees relating to Hackney Carriages
  • Establish sub-committees and to determine the procedures to be followed for hearings
Licensing sub-committee

This committee has three elected members (constituted from the 15 Licensing Committee members)

The delegated functions of the committee are to consider the following when an objection has been made:

  1. Application for personal licence
  2. Application for premises licence/club premises certificate
  3. Application for provisional statement
  4. Application to vary premises licence/club premises certificate
  5. Application to vary designated premises supervisor
  6. Request to be removed as designated personal licence holder
  7. Application for transfer of premises licence
  8. Application for interim authority
  9. Application to review premises licence/club premises certificate
  10. Decision on whether a representation is irrelevant, frivolous, vexatious or repetitious etc.
  11. Decision to object when the council is a consultee and not the relevant authority considering the application
  12. Determination of a police objection to a temporary event notice
  13. Determination of contents of notice seeking additional information
  14. Decision to dispense with a hearing if all persons required by the Licensing Act agree that such a hearing is unnecessary
  15. Appointment of authorised officers for the purposes of the Licensing Act
  16. Determination of all administrative matters arising in relation to applications under the Licensing Act
Policy committee - Building stronger communities
Policy committee - Organisational improvement and development
Policy committee - Protecting the most vulnerable
Policy committee - Supporting the local economy
Scrutiny committee
Standards committee
Taxi sub-committee
Traffic committee

This committee has seven members.

Previous meetings on YouTube

During the coronavirus pandemic, in line with national guidance, committee meetings took place remotely. Previous meetings can be viewed online via YouTube:

19 June 2024