Childcare Support
Working with
Phone Number

3 & 4 year old funded place

Every child between 3 and 4 years old can receive 15 hours of funded childcare per week – 38 weeks across the school year – with a childcare provider (nursery or childminder). Those free hours help your child get ready for school and give you time you can use to study or look for work.

Extended 3 & 4 year old offer

In addition to the 15 hours above, most working parents of 3 and 4 year olds, will be eligible for an additional 15 hours of childcare per week – 38 weeks across the school year. If you are in work and your household income is less than £100,000 per year, then you should complete the form on the website or contact the helpline on 0300 123 4097.

18 October 2022