Cycling is an excellent form of exercise and a super way to experience the great outdoors.

Whether it's a family trip, a cycle outing with friends and fellow enthusiasts or a solo ride - any bike trip requires adequate preparation. 




Your regular, everyday clothes are perfectly suitable to wear for cycling short journeys.

Just make sure they don't restrict your ability to pedal or have loose, flappy bits that might get caught in moving parts, like the chain or wheel spokes.


High visibility clothing

Making sure you can be easily seen by other road users will help keep you safe. Wear light-coloured clothing or something fluorescent to increase your visibility during daylight hours.

Consider wearing a reflective 'hi-vis' bib, jacket or rucksack cover, particularly recommended for cycling in the dark and/or in heavy traffic.



Wearing a cycle helmet is recommended, but not a legal requirement, so it's your decision. A properly fitted helmet will protect your head from serious injury in the event of an accident.

We recommend that children wear one whenever cycling. Your local bike shop can help you choose the right size and fit it for you.



You must have working lights on your bike if you're cycling in the dark – it's the law. White front light and a red rear light – a flashing front light is allowed, but a steady light is recommended.

Most lights are easily detachable, so remove them when you leave your bike.



A bell is a necessary safety item for signalling to pedestrians and other cyclists.

Horns are also available – but they're much louder, so it's advised you use them sparingly. 



It's worth investing in a good lock (or two) for your bike.

Cable lock, padlock and chain, and rigid metal D-lock are the main types – often used in combination.



Keeping your tyres pumped up to the specified pressure makes cycling much more comfortable; your bike handles better, and you're less likely to get a puncture.

There are two widths of tyre valve, make sure you get a pump that fits.


Puncture repair kit

Best to be prepared! It's a small kit containing all you need to mend a puncture, available from any bike shop.



A red rear mirror and amber pedal reflectors are a legal requirement. These are usually pre-fitted to your bike by the manufacturer.

Please remember to wear glasses if you normally wear them. Further information can be found at better by bike.

4 August 2022