We are committed to preventing homelessness by providing early advice and assistance and helping people find suitable housing that meets their needs.

We are seeking comments and views on our draft strategy and set of priorities. These comments will be considered prior to the draft strategy being finalised. Once adopted, the homelessness and rough sleeping strategy will be the council’s main strategic plan for the prevention of homelessness.

From the review, a set of priorities has been formed which aim to target the main challenges relating to those facing homelessness.

Our priorities are:

  1. improving the prevention of homelessness
  2. increasing the supply of housing
  3. improving support and supported accommodation for homeless people.

This survey seeks views to inform the review of the homelessness and rough sleeper strategy for the period 2024 – 2029.

This work builds on a Homeless Summit commissioned in September 2023, involving a range of stakeholders, to inform an evaluation of the current strategy.

Have your say

Complete our survey online

Closing date

The survey will run from 9 February - 9 March 2024 

Data Protection and Confidentiality

We comply with all legislation governing the protection of personal information, including the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The information you provide through this survey will be kept secure and analysed by Warrington Borough Council.

To find out more please visit warrington.gov.uk/data-protection-policy and warrington.gov.uk/privacy 

Other formats

If you have any concerns or questions about the survey, require the questionnaire in another language or format including large print, Braille, audio or British Sign Language or simply require assistance in completing the form please email equalities@warrington.gov.uk

13 February 2024