Equality, diversity and inclusion strategy 2020-24
We are committed to working with our residents, businesses and partners to make sure that Warrington is accessible, welcoming and provides opportunities for everybody.
This strategy sets out how we will achieve this vision through the delivery of our equality objectives and priorities 2020-2024. These are an integral part of the organisation and link closely with our Corporate Strategy. They guide the work we carry out and show our commitment to challenging inequality and promoting a fair and inclusive town. They also demonstrate our commitment to the Public Sector Equality Duty contained within the Equality Act 2010.
Our strategic equality group is responsible for the delivery of the objectives and priorities. Delivery of the objectives and priorities will be reviewed on a regular basis. Some of the priorities will be monitored through our performance management framework.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Objectives and Priorities 2023
Equality Objectives:
- Provide opportunities to improve life chances
- Work with our partners and businesses to improve accessibility and tackle discrimination