Retail and leisure are dynamic sectors of the economy. We commissioned White Young Green (WYG) to undertake a borough wide retail and leisure needs assessment. The final report is available below along with a number of appendices.

The retail and leisure study forms an important part of the evidence base for the Warrington Local Planning Framework. Part of this work has involved undertaking 1,000 household surveys to establish shopping and leisure patterns within the borough. Detailed household survey data is available to purchase from us for a fee of £4,000.

Town centre health check

A town centre health check was undertaken in 2012 to assess the vitality and viability of Warrington town centre following the opening of the Golden Square extension and changes within the town centre. This health check was updated in Appendix 3 of the 2015 Retail and Leisure Study undertaken by WYG.

A further previous health check was undertaken in July 2009 as part of the Martin Tonks Warrington Retail and Leisure Study. The updated report provides an up to date evidence base to inform Warrington's Local Planning Framework.

3 October 2019