In Warrington we’re running a free holiday club programme for children on free school meals. #HAF2022

Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme

School holidays can be difficult for some families. The cost of extra food, childcare, and activities to keep children active and entertained can be challenging.

The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme is a scheme funded by the Department for Education. It gives children who are eligible for free school meals the opportunity to take part in fun, enriching activities and receive a healthy meal. It runs during Easter, summer and the Christmas school holidays.

Places on the holiday schemes are available free of charge to children aged 5 to 16 who receive free school meals, but children and young people of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to attend. Each local programme will provide delicious, healthy meals, allow kids to get active, help them learn new things, make friends and have fun.

When is the next HAF programme?

Summer holidays 2024.

27 June 2024