We have a dedicated team of investigators who are committed to protecting public money from fraud and abuse. The team investigate allegations of benefit fraud and prosecute offenders. All investigations are carried out with integrity and in a professional manner by trained staff.

Examples of benefit fraud are:

  • people who claim as a single person but actually have a partner living with them
  • people who claim from an address but don't actually live there
  • people who are working but do not tell us this when they make a claim for support
  • people who do not tell us the full amount of income, savings or capital they have when they make a benefits claim
  • people who claim to live in privately rented accommodation as a tenant with a tenancy agreement, but no such arrangement exists

If you know of anyone committing benefit fraud, we would like to hear from you.

What will I be asked if I report suspected fraud?

It is important that you tell us as much information as you can. For example, if you wish to report someone for having an undeclared partner living with them, then we would need to know (if possible):

  • the name and address of the person you want us to investigate
  • the partner's name
  • how long they have lived there
  • a description of the partner
  • does the partner work, if so, where
  • do they have children together
  • does the partner drive a vehicle, if so, can you give a description, make, model, colour and registration
3 February 2023