We have collected the representations made to the consultation on the Updated Submission Version Local Plan 2021.

You can view them by paging through the list of representations, search by the local plan representation number or by name using the filter. You can also look at the Local Plan documents on our website.


Charlie Craig
Charlotte Newton
Charlotte Spiers
Cheryl Taylor
Chloe Bibby
Chloe Browne
Chris Brerley
Chris Brierley
Chris Browning
Chris Main
Chris McDermott
Chris Sergeant
Chris Stones
Christian Dowdeswell
Christine Healey
Christine Liken
Christine Riley
Christopher Bate
Christopher Lorton
Christopher Stores
Claire Andrew
Claire Hicken
Claire Maree Darcy
Claire Phillips
Clare Barker
Clare Cunliffe
Clayton Mcnamara
Clive Nash
Colin Cookson
Colin Riley
Colin Wise
Craig Dickman
Craig Dunn
D Williams
Daisy Jones
Damien Ghee
Daniel Blackhurst
Daniel Clarke
Daniel Dunwoody
Daniel Harding
Daniel O'Brien
Daniel Peters
Daniel Williams
Darren Farmer
Dave Taylor
David A Gillooly
David Abendstern
David Astburu
David Astbury
David Gillooly