We have collected the representations made to the consultation on the Updated Submission Version Local Plan 2021.

You can view them by paging through the list of representations, search by the local plan representation number or by name using the filter. You can also look at the Local Plan documents on our website.


Emma Parks
Eric Morgan
Eric Runcorn
Esmé Blackhurst
Ethan Agrebi
Ethan John Aspinall
Ethan Rowe
Evie Crozier
Fern Stubbings
Francesca Cook
Francesca parry
Frank Clarke
Gabriella Gardner
Gabrielle Healey
Gail Stubbings
Gary Roughley
Gary Thomas
Gemma Ellison
Geoff Bate
Geoffrey Dutton
Geoffrey Dutton
George Chadwick
George J Neal
George Macfarlane
George Melvin
Georgia Boyle
Georgina Stapleton
Gillian Unsworth
Glenice Willetts
Graham Gardner
Graham Langhorne
Grahan Bellamy
H Cooper
Hailey Thorpe
Hallie dunn
Hannah Bradford
Harper Dunn
Harry Clarke
Harry Dunn
Harvey Barker
Hayley Thomas
Heather Orrell
Heather Willacy
Helen Gray
Helen Kendrick
Helen Middleton
Helen Wareing
Hollie Browning
Holly Buckard