We have collected the representations made to the consultation on the Updated Submission Version Local Plan 2021.

You can view them by paging through the list of representations, search by the local plan representation number or by name using the filter. You can also look at the Local Plan documents on our website.


Kerry Fahey
Kerry Regan
Kevin Carey
Kevin Roby
Kieran Reynolds
Kim Dunn
Kimberley Rigby
Kurt Blinston
Laura French
Lauren Boyle
Lauren Brathing
Leah Bolton
Leanna Dutton
Leanna Dutton
Leanne Browne
Leanne Horne
Lee Bates
Lee Davies
Lee Harrison
Lee Morley
Lee Roberts
Lesley Elizabeth Leighton
Lewis Cookson
Leyton Bate
Lindsey Bates
Lisa Boniface
Lisa Iddon
Lisa Radley
Lisa Young
Liz Thomas
Lois McDermott
Lois Melvin
Lois Shaw
Lois Shaw
Lois Unsworth
Lorraine Newton
Louise Farrington
Louise Whalley
Luca Edwards
Lucy Bellamy
Luke Herron
Luke Sharples
Lynda King
Lynden James
Lynn Bright
Lynn Hitchen
M Hilton
Malcolm Boniface
Margaret Bunting
Margaret Hart