Warrington health and wellbeing survey 2023

There is still time to take part in the borough-wide health and wellbeing survey as invitations have been received by a sample of Warrington residents.

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Health partners across Warrington, including the council and NHS services – known collectively as Warrington Together – want to get a clear picture of the health and wellbeing of the local population.

If selected, participating in this important work provides the chance of winning one of forty £50 Warrington Market vouchers, or one of twenty LiveWire one month leisure passes that are available in the survey prize draw. 

Invited residents have until Friday 16 June to complete the survey, which asks about a variety of topics that can all influence health and wellbeing. What residents tell us about themselves, their health and lifestyle, experience of services, views on certain issues, and how they feel the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted them is really important.

Participants have been selected from names and address data, held by NHS England, of all Warrington residents who are registered with a GP practice. All completed surveys and responses will be fully anonymised to ensure confidentiality.

The survey is the largest health and wellbeing listening exercise ever undertaken in Warrington. This will provide accurate information about health and wellbeing trends across the borough.

Only Direct Data Analysis, a research company approved by NHS England to hold NHS data, and their mailing company, Central Mailing Services, will have access to the names, addresses, and ID numbers of those who have been selected to take part in the survey.

Cllr Maureen McLaughlin, cabinet member for public health and wellbeing, said: “We are committed to improving the health and wellbeing of people in Warrington. To do this, we need to hear from you about you, your lifestyle, and more about the things that may affect your wellbeing.

“We want to do all we can to support all of our residents to feel healthy and well for as long as possible. It’s only by asking these questions, and listening to the anonymised answers, that we can make changes that will make a difference. So, if you have received a letter inviting you to take part, please complete the survey as soon as possible before the closing date on 16 June.”

If you have received an invitation to take part, the survey can be completed online and will take around 20 to 30 minutes.

Residents will be asked for a five-digit reference number to access the survey, which can be found at the top of their invitation letter, and they will be provided with contact details to use if they require help to complete the survey.

If you have been invited to complete the survey, but have mislaid your five digit reference number, contact the Direct Data Analysis customer helpline on 0800 0996 422, or email warringtonrs@direct-data-analysis.co.uk.

Cllr McLaughlin continued: “We recognise that the survey is lengthy, as it covers a wide range of areas that we know can impact your health and wellbeing. Your cooperation is voluntary, but your contribution is vital to help the council and our health partners ensure that services meet the needs of residents now, and are fit for the future.”

Thara Raj, Director of Public Health said: “We need to hear from you, so if you have received the survey I’d be very grateful for your participation.

“The insight gathered through the survey is fully anonymised and will be used by the NHS, the council, and partners across Warrington to target services and make improvements.”

Warrington health and wellbeing survey 2023
24 April 2024