
A resident has been fined for failing to properly dispose of their household waste.


The female resident, 37, from Bewsey and Whitecross, was convicted after a trial at Warrington Magistrates Court and was sentenced on Wednesday 17 January 2024.

After receiving reports of rubbish dumped to the rear alleyway of houses on Ripley Street, the council investigated the incident with findings linking the waste to the resident. Despite requests to cooperate with the investigation, she refused to assist the council and pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to the offence of withholding assistance.

The magistrates passed a guilty verdict for the failure to properly dispose of waste resulting in it being flytipped, and after taking the previous guilty plea into consideration for failing to cooperate with the investigation, the court fined her £500.

Magistrates expressed the seriousness of the issue and made clear that fly tipping was a serious matter which is continuing to be a blight on our community.

Cllr Hitesh Patel, cabinet member for environment, housing and public protection said: “We all have a responsibility to ensure that our waste is disposed of in a responsible and lawful manner and it is not flytipped.

“Fly-tipping is an environmental crime, and we will take action against anyone who commits this crime in our communities.

“The council will use all its available powers when investigating, and this includes pursuing individuals who have involvement with fly tipping offences to ensure that it has all the information available to tackle the problem.

“Anyone with information relating to a fly-tipping incident should report it to the council”.

Residents can provide information in relation to fly tipping incidents via the council website at

To check if a person or businesses is registered to take your waste away visit

17 January 2024