
A resident has been fined after failing to cooperate with the council’s investigation into fly-tipping.


Bethany Murtagh, 29, of Cyril Street, Warrington, pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing at Warrington Magistrates Court and was sentenced on Wednesday 14 February.

After receiving reports of rubbish having been dumped to the rear alleyways of Cyril Street, the council investigated the incident with findings linking the waste to Murtagh. 

Despite requests to cooperate with the investigation, Murtagh refused to assist the council, thereby committing an offence.

Taking into account Murtagh’s early guilty plea, the court fined her £40, reduced from £60, with a victim surcharge of £16 and costs of £795, a total of £851. 

Following the fine, magistrates made clear that fly-tipping was a serious issue, which is a blight on the community.

Cllr John Kerr-Brown, cabinet member for environment, housing and public protection said: “Fly-tipping has a serious impact on communities and it will not be tolerated. We will always investigate reports of fly-tipping and pursue offenders to ensure that they are held accountable for their actions. 

“In instances where individuals fail to engage with the council despite being implicated in an offence, we will use all the powers at our disposal to take the matter forward so we can tackle fly-tipping and the problems it causes.

“Anyone with information relating to a fly-tipping incident should report it to the council, providing as much information as possible, so it can be thoroughly investigated and any action can be taken”.

Residents can provide any information in relation to fly-tipping incidents via the council’s website at

14 February 2024