Image of pump track in a park setting.

Great Sankey residents are being reminded that there’s still time to share your views on plans for a new cycling facility in the area.

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Warrington Borough Council, working together with Great Sankey Parish Council, has put forward proposals for a new pump track in Dakota Park. The consultation, which began in June, ends on Friday 14 July, so if you haven’t yet had your say on the plans, you can still do so.

A pump track is a continuous circuit for cyclists of banked turns, interspaced by rollers and other features that can be ridden on a bike without pedalling. It’s an increasingly popular way to encourage young people – and the whole family - to exercise, while developing balancing and bike handling skills in a safe environment, away from traffic.

Pump tracks are great fun and provide users with an up-and-down feeling of weightlessness, similar to the drops and climbs in a roller-coaster, but on a micro-level. They are designed this way so they can be ridden without the need for pedalling.

Aimed primarily at young people, pump tracks can be used by any type of bicycle, skateboards, scooters, and roller blades. Featuring rounded edges, gentle embankments and perfect geometry, they are designed with safety in mind.

If given the go-ahead, it is proposed that the pump track is developed on a 10m x 20m footprint to the west of the children’s play area at Dakota Park (if facing the park from Sainsbury’s). Funding for the project would be provided by Great Sankey Parish Council with a £20,000 investment, matched by the council.

To take part in the consultation please visit by Friday 14 July 2023 and complete the Dakota Park pump track survey.

17 August 2023