Flooding in Warrington
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Some young people in care do not see their family regularly. If you would like to see someone outside your foster or children's home for contact, you can ask an ‘independent visitor’ to come and see you.
An independent visitor is there to be your friend and can help with consistency, support, advice and encouragement. They don’t work with your social worker or any of the other people in your life – they’re there just for you.
They’ll visit you and are there for you to talk to. You can go and do things with them, such as play sports or go to the cinema, or try something new. They’ll listen to you and they might have good advice for you. They can also speak up for you at your review.
If you would like an independent visitor, you or your carer can call the National Youth Advocacy Service's helpline on 0808 808 1001 or you can speak to your social worker to support you with this.