We have published the Updated Proposed Submission Version Local Plan for consultation.

The consultation closed at 5pm on Monday 15 November 2021.

Our initial, 20-year Proposed Submission Version Local Plan was published in March 2019. We received around 3,200 responses to our consultation on the plan, and we have taken on board many of the views of local people - much of which focused on how brownfield sites should continue to be prioritised ahead of Green Belt.

This, along with the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and changing Government housing methodology, has meant that, in preparing our updated Proposed Submission Version Local Plan 2021 (UPSVLP 2021), we are proposing some big changes.

The key changes in our draft local plan 2021

Our updated Proposed Submission Version Local Plan 2021 proposes a reduction in the number of houses required and a reduced plan period. This, in turn, will mean a reduced need for Green Belt allocation.

The key changes we are proposing are:

  • A reduction in new housing from 945 a year over 20 years, to 816 a year over a reduced plan period of 18 years (2021-2038 inclusive).
  • Proposals for 580 hectares to be removed from the Green Belt for development. This equates to 5% of Green Belt land in the borough and is significantly lower than the 1,210 hectares proposed in the previous Plan, which equated to 11% of the total amount of Green Belt.
  • The removal of the residential allocations at the South West Urban Extension (1,600 homes), Phipps Lane in Burtonwood Village (160 homes), and Massey Brook Lane in Lymm (60 homes) from the Plan.
  • Moving away from the Garden Suburb concept in South Warrington (4,200 new homes in the plan period), and instead including new proposals for a South East Warrington Urban Extension, with a reduced allocation of 2,400 new homes during the plan period.
  • The removal of Port Warrington (75ha employment land) and the Business Hub (25ha employment land) from the plan.
  • The inclusion of the Fiddler's Ferry site in the Plan, with the closure of the power station in March 2020 giving us the opportunity to bring the site into the allocation this time.

Take part in the consultation process

Watch - the draft Local Plan explained

Watch a detailed explanation video of the key parts of the draft Local Plan (30 minutes)


Consultation events held at the Halliwell Jones Stadium

Consultation events were held on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 12 October - 2pm until 8pm
  • Thursday 14 October - 8am until 2pm
  • Saturday 16 October - 10am until 4pm
  • Monday 18 October - 2pm until 8pm
  • Wednesday 20 October - 8am until 2pm

Have your say

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to give us feedback about our revised Plan. We also want to help make sure that your feedback meets the relevant criteria so that your views are in the best position to be fully considered by the independent Planning Inspector. The technical and specific nature of the consultation means that the most effective way you can respond is by completing our dedicated survey. We will need to ask some specific questions, but don’t worry, there is also the opportunity to raise any broad or general questions or concerns about the Plan as part of our survey, too.

If you would prefer to share your representations in a different format, or for general advice and guidance on how best to make your representation, visit the consultation guidance page.

You can also refer to our Local Plan key evidence documents and FAQ pages for more information, to help further inform your representation.

19 July 2024