Warrington’s local support scheme is designed to make sure we make the best use of the limited funding available.

Before you apply

Firstly, have you looked in the following places that maybe able to help you?

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) are awarding short term benefit advances (gov.uk) and budgeting loans (gov.uk). If you are not in crisis or an emergency situation


  • 0800 328 5644 - If you're claiming Universal Credit
  • 0800 169 0310 - if you're claiming Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support or Employment and Support Allowance

The local support scheme replaced crisis loans and community care grants, which were abolished by the government in 2013. The scheme has significantly less funding than has previously been available.

The budget for the scheme is fixed, which means there will be no additional funding available if we run out. The service we provide must make the money available to help as many people as widely as we can, throughout the year.

Please note: When you click through to the application form, before you click 'apply for local support', please make sure you tick the box at the bottom of the page to say that you accept cookies from this site, otherwise you may not be able to complete the form.

Who can apply

You can apply to the scheme if you are:

  • a Warrington resident
  • moving to the Warrington area
  • aged 16 or over
  • on a low income and without access to sufficient funds to meet immediate needs

You also fit one of these circumstances:

  • you are leaving a place of care, prison or temporary supported housing and need help establishing a home
  • without the items applied for, you wouldn’t be able to remain living independently without the need for formal care
  • you have a need that has come about as a result of an emergency or disaster and you or a family member would be at risk if this need is not met.

The DWP will continue to administer the social fund statutory payments, if you are eligible.

These include:

  • Surestart maternity grants 
  • Funeral payments 
  • Cold weather payments 
  • Winter fuel payments 
  • Budgeting loans 
  • Alignment payments
10 May 2024