Flooding in Warrington
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Staying independent is the best way to stay healthy whether you have care needs, a disability, or you need support into older age.
Most people prefer to stay in their own home and with access to local services, home adaptations and extra help, this is often possible.
Our directory of local services, My Life Warrington, has a wide range of information and services to support you at home and in the community, such as:
Our Warrington Wellbeing Service can also provide one-to-one information and advice to help you to manage your own health and wellbeing.
Many people arrange and pay for their own services. However, you may be eligible for help with arranging and funding your care and support.
Most people need to contribute to the cost of their care. Like all councils, we charge for care services (such as home care, daycare etc.). How much you pay depends on your financial situation, which is assessed when we carry out a financial assessment. Your assessment will determine whether you will receive services free, at a reduced cost or at the full cost.
For more information on eligibility for social care and requesting an assessment, visit our Eligibility for Social Care page.
To find out more about paying for care, and to use the Council’s Care Cost Calculator to estimate what you may need to contribute towards your care, please visit our Paying for Care page.
The care at home service enables you to receive the care you need in your own home. This may be as a result of a social care assessment known as an adult conversation.
The service assists with daily tasks such as:
There are two ways that you can receive care at home:
Led by Citizens Advice Bureau, this is a local network of advice and advocacy organisations, most of which are based at the Gateway on Sankey Street. The Warrington Advice Network website includes a directory of local advice services.
Speak Up Together Advocacy Hub
The hub provides lots of different types of advocacy services in one location, aiming to help you to make more informed choices, access information about services and support, and be involved in decisions about your life.
AccessAble is a guide providing detailed accessibility information about venues in Warrington, including shops, pubs, restaurants and public buildings.
Warrington Voluntary Action is a local organisation providing support and advice to the voluntary sector across Warrington. Their website includes a directory of local voluntary groups.
Care Quality Commission
Information about care standards and help for you to find, choose and compare services.
Strengths based approach
Focuses on your skills, abilities and experiences and how they can increase your independence and improve health