Flooding in Warrington
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If you pay council tax or business rates to Warrington Borough Council, you can view your account online. You can use this service to check to see if a payment has been received.
Council tax :You can see how much council tax you are being charged for the current financial year and any other years you have been resident in the property.
Business rates: You can also see a statement of your account, including details of what we've charged you, any relief or exemptions we've given you and the payments we've received on the account.
The system operates in a secure (SSL) environment. Once you have logged in you can check that the environment is secure by looking for the 'https://' in the URL at the top of the screen. Your user ID and password will provide you with access to your own account details. You must keep these details safe and not share them with anyone. Remember to logout when you have finished.
Business rates are worked out by multiplying the ‘rateable value’ of your property (set by the Valuation Office Agency) by the business rates multiplier (set by central government).
If you have any problems accessing your account please contact us:
Phone: 01925 443210
Email: [email protected] for council tax online enquiries or [email protected] for business rates online enquiries