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The climate and ecological crises are global problems that require action from organisations and individuals everywhere. In 2019, the council declared a climate emergency and committed to take action in the face of these challenges.

Our Climate Action Plan

The Warrington Climate Emergency Commission published a climate emergency strategy for the borough in 2022, which sets out the scale of the challenge we face locally and presents a road map to encourage local climate action. It calls on all of us to develop action plans in support.

We have developed our own action plan in support of this strategy. Our Climate Emergency Action Plan outlines the actions we intend to take as a council to meet the following goals:

  • Reduce greenhouse emissions from our own activities to net-zero by 2030
  • Adapt our services so we are more resilient to the effects of a changing climate
  • Use our roles and influences to support the borough as a whole to cut greenhouse pollution, adapt to climate change, and help nature recover

Climate and sustainability policy

Our climate and sustainability policy sets out our broad approach to tackling these issues. It recognises our dual role to minimise our own impact on the environment, whilst supporting action across the wider borough.

Other plans and strategies linked to our climate emergency work include:

23 August 2023