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Whatever stage of life we and our families are in, it’s important to stay healthy and age well. Physical activity is not only good for your body, but it’s also great for your mind!
Being active doesn’t have to mean taking out an expensive gym membership or running marathons. Finding an activity you enjoy can give you a goal to aim for and a sense of purpose. It can also be a great way to meet people, have a break from daily life and gain confidence. Other benefits include:
It’s even better if you’re able to get active outdoors. Research shows that being in nature can make us feel happier, feel our lives are more worthwhile, and reduce our levels of depression and anxiety. Nature doesn’t have to mean forests or national parks either: walking to a local common, visiting a friend’s garden or simply noticing trees and flowers planted by the roadside can boost your mental well-being (Mentalhealth.org.uk).
How active do I need to be?
Any amount of physical activity is better than none. Finding an activity you like and are able to do regularly is more important than pushing yourself to do something you don’t enjoy. You could try brisk walking, mowing the lawn, dancing, swimming, following an exercise video or online class, trying a new sport or anything that gets your body moving. For further information, visit Exercise guidelines - NHS (www.nhs.uk).
There are a range of activities that you can access within the community to increase your activity levels from walking, to low impact exercise classes to exercising within your home.
Mind, Movement, Menopause is a 6 week support programme to help women who are experiencing the different stages of menopause. The programme includes nutrition & weight management, exercise, HRT, and coping strategies. The programme consists of 45 minutes of exercise followed by 45 minutes of education and support talks to share personal experiences.
Getting active in your local green spaces and parks