The perfect habitat

Risley Moss is an excellent habitat for foxes, where they roam around the woodland and mossland areas. They're quite territorial and often live in family groups - the females are called vixens, the male's, dogs and the young cubs, kits

Although primarily a carnivore, the red fox also behaves as an omnivore and will eat almost anything. A foxes menu can include small mammals, birds, lizards, fruit, blackberries and cherries.

Bat ears

Foxes have an excellent sense of smell as well as acute hearing and can hear a mouse squeak 100m away! 

Their mating season will begin in December and last till February time when they communicate with each other by uttering their eerie, prolonged wailing screams. They also communicate by leaving their droppings in the middle of a path, urinating or scent marking.  

Sometimes it's possible to detect the odour of a fox which has passed through the woodland the previous night. Although usually active at night, it's not unusual to sight a fox during the day at Risley Moss.

24 January 2022

Did you know?

  • Red foxes will eat almost anything!
  • They can hear a mouse squeak 100m away
  • They often communicate by leaving their droppings in the middle of a path