Schools are able to provide advice on budget options to meet their uniform requirements. Individual schools may also have a hardship fund to support families in need.

There is a range of support available in Warrington to help anyone who may be struggling with the cost of school uniforms, particularly during the cost of living crisis.

Donations or the purchase of second hand uniforms from parents at school

Please check with your school, parents or any informal school Facebook groups to see if parents offer donations for second hand uniforms.

School uniform grants from the Fashion and Textile Children’s Trust

The grants help low income families working in the UK fashion and textile industry who are struggling with the cost of returning to school. Items such as school uniforms, general clothing, sports kit and study essentials for children (aged 0 to 18 years) can be funded for families experiencing financial hardship.

To apply for the grants, one parent/carer must work, or have recently worked for, a UK fashion or textile company.

Local Facebook groups where parents operate a uniform ‘swap shop’

School Uniform Network at Warrington Foodbank in Golden Square Shopping Centre, Bewsey and Dallam Hub and St Elphins Pavilion

The free school uniform shops stock both primary and secondary school clothing. They have been set up as families continue to face acute cost of living pressures and rising bills. You can also make school uniform donations at any of the three school uniform network facilities.

31 August 2022