Respondent name
Rachel Pitt (Homes England)
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Summary of comments

Homes England supports the efforts of Warrington Borough Council (WBC) in preparing a Local Plan for the future needs of the Borough. Homes England supports the preparation of Plans to ensure that long term housing needs and economic growth ambitions are met. the overall role of the Plan in providing a positive and robust framework to ensure that growth is co-ordinated, sustainable and resilient, is supported by Homes England. Homes England is satisfied that WBC has engaged constructively, actively and on an ongoing basis with the Agency during the preparation of the UPSVLP.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Summary of comments

For detail see joint representation between Homes England and Miller ref

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Modification if applicable

To provide clarity we request that extra text is added to Policy MD4 (29). For example, the text could be amended to state: ?29. A scheme for measurable Biodiversity Net Gain using the Defra Metric will be required. This will be inclusive (but not duplicate) of the relevant Biodiversity Net Gain requirement set out in Policy DC3 (6) and will be implemented across the full extent of the Peel Hall proposed allocation?.

Summary of comments

Homes England is supportive of the allocation of the Mill Lane Playing Fields (of which it is landowner) land under draft Policy MD4 of the UPSVLP. Draft Policy MD4 provides detailed requirements related to land use and infrastructure, delivery / phasing and site-specific requirements, including type of homes, community facilities, transport and accessibility, open space and recreation, natural environment and protection and utilities. The policy is clear in the requirement for the replacement of the playing pitches at Mill Lane Playing Fields prior to any development commencing on the existing Mill Lane Playing Fields (MD4.1 (1m), MD4.2 (6), MD4.3 (27 and 29) and paragraph 10.4.3). Homes England supports the requirement for the provision of replacement sports pitches, in accordance with national planning policy. It should be noted that as part of the outline planning application/ Appeal process, reprovision of the Mill Lane Playing Fields was included within the wider Peel Hall development proposal and was accepted by Sport England and WBC, along with outline planning permission now being granted. Concern also about the overlap with policies DC3 and DC5 - see separate comments.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Modification if applicable

To provide clarity we request that extra text is added to Policy MD4 (29). For example, the text could be amended to state: ?29. A scheme for measurable Biodiversity Net Gain using the Defra Metric will be required. This will be inclusive (but not duplicate) of the relevant Biodiversity Net Gain requirement set out in Policy DC3 (6) and will be implemented across the full extent of the Peel Hall proposed allocation?.

Summary of comments

Concern regarding the allocation of Mill Lane Playing Fields under draft Policy DC3 and DC5 as well as MD4 has the potential for a lack of clarity regarding how the policies are applied in combination. In particular, policy DC3 and MD4 requires a scheme for measurable Biodiversity Net Gain through the use of the Defra Metric. It is Homes England?s understanding that any requirement for Biodiversity Net Gain would be covered by Peel Hall Policy MD4 (29) and therefore provided across the full extent of the Peel Hall site. This will enable a comprehensive and site wide approach to biodiversity net gain, rather than on a site-specific basis associated only with Mill Lane Playing Fields. To provide clarity we request that extra text is added to Policy MD4 (29). For example, the text could be amended to state: ?29. A scheme for measurable Biodiversity Net Gain using the Defra Metric will be required. This will be inclusive (but not duplicate) of the relevant Biodiversity Net Gain requirement set out in Policy DC3 (6) and will be implemented across the full extent of the Peel Hall proposed allocation?.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Modification if applicable

To provide clarity we request that extra text is added to Policy MD4 (29). For example, the text could be amended to state: ?29. A scheme for measurable Biodiversity Net Gain using the Defra Metric will be required. This will be inclusive (but not duplicate) of the relevant Biodiversity Net Gain requirement set out in Policy DC3 (6) and will be implemented across the full extent of the Peel Hall proposed allocation?.

Summary of comments

Concern regarding the allocation of Mill Lane Playing Fields under draft Policy DC3 and DC5 as well as MD4 has the potential for a lack of clarity regarding how the policies are applied in combination. In particular, policy DC3 and MD4 requires a scheme for measurable Biodiversity Net Gain through the use of the Defra Metric. It is Homes England?s understanding that any requirement for Biodiversity Net Gain would be covered by Peel Hall Policy MD4 (29) and therefore provided across the full extent of the Peel Hall site. This will enable a comprehensive and site wide approach to biodiversity net gain, rather than on a site-specific basis associated only with Mill Lane Playing Fields. To provide clarity we request that extra text is added to Policy MD4 (29). For example, the text could be amended to state: ?29. A scheme for measurable Biodiversity Net Gain using the Defra Metric will be required. This will be inclusive (but not duplicate) of the relevant Biodiversity Net Gain requirement set out in Policy DC3 (6) and will be implemented across the full extent of the Peel Hall proposed allocation?.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Oral Examination
Summary of comments

Support for idenification of Omega as an Existing Employment Area under Policy DEV 4: Economic Growth and Development. Homes England and OWL are committed to delivering the comprehensive development of Omega in accordance with both the extant planning applications and the planning policy designations. Support also for the proposed allocation of Omega West which is located in St Helens borough but will be allocated to meet Warrington's employment needs as a westward extension of the existing Omega development.