Green Belt should be protected from development - brownfield sites should be used first. Green Belt supports wellbeing of residents.
Use of area should be maximised and the number of houses increased to reduce the need for Green Belt release across the Borough.
Development in area will ruin landscape and change the nature of the area. Currently used by residents for relaxation and exercise - development should be avoided.
Site uses too much Green Belt and is likely to affect traffic flow due to its close proximity to the motorway. Existing under-utilised industrial sites should instead be developed.
Too many houses proposed - will saturate area. Too much Green Belt development, too many additional cars, positioned too close to already congested motorway network - not a good idea.
No. of proposed new houses is high in relation to future population estimates. Smaller villages could lose identity due to scale of development proposed. Road infrastructure in area is insufficient and unable to cope with further development. Plan does little to protect environment and move towards being carbon neutral.