Respondent name
Karen Rylance
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Objects to plan as there is not a strong enough case for Green Belt development. No mention of using brownfield first - so Green Belt may be lost and the brownfield land never used. Objects to loss of ecology. Lack of infrastructure - plan will worsen congestion/pollution. Social infrastructure should be in place before and alongside proposed developments. Access and transport improvements are not listed, green infrastructure and utilities are as of yet unquantified and are being left to the developers to propose in the form of a development framework. No details of employment opportunities. No detail on funding or delivery of infrastructure. More affordable housing needed.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Six56 plans are unrealistic and not needed. Low paid jobs from the development will not allow people to buy homes in South Warrington. Damage to habitats and landscape.