Respondent name
Christopher Cutts
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

1. this is prime greenbelt and the Prime Minister has said this will not be built upon - is this destruction justified ?
2. significant destruction of sound ecology including many trees
3. unsuitable local infrastructure for population growth and no clear plan
4. unsuitable roads from M6 and from Warrington. the A50 would significantly busier with traffic, no suitable access, already a high amount of speeding and congestion due to the Thelwall Viaduct.
5. increased risk of flooding as soak away land and trees would be lost, already the area floods with limited rain especially Cliff Lane and blocks the road
6. loss of greenspace and paths so impact on mental health and less exercise
7. building near a grade 2 listed building
8. worsening of air quality as all houses would need to use cars as there is a lack of frequent, reliable, affordable public transport and no plan to develop this
9. No plans for leisure and sports facilities despite the population planned to grow by 10,000 people (2 per house) minimum.