Respondent name
Emma Lavender
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Summary of comments

Objects to Policy OS6. Peel Hall and Parkside will have an impact on the area. Winwick village is used as a rat run when there are issues on M6 and M62. Air quality is poor. Concern about speeding cars in area. The Local Plan has underestimated the impact of additional traffic associated with the allocation and in particular on Myddleton Lane, Golborne Road and Waterworks Lane. Local services will not be provided to meet the needs of development proposed. Risk to groundwater supplies. No evidence that OS6 has been discussed with United Utilities. Inadequate consideration for historical assets. Frequent power cuts in Winwick already. Farmland on Waterworks Lane is susceptible to flooding. Concern regarding pylons on the farmland and link to childhood leukaemia and the noise of the electricity. Believes the local plan has not met the requirements of Duty to Cooperate, it has not been prepared positively, it is not justified, effective, or consistent with National policies.