Respondent name
Jon Halliday
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I have made several attempts to view the Local Plan map and have found it incredibly difficult to both use and understand. As an 20 year IT professional I am not challenged by the use of technology but I find the map extremely slow to load (if indeed it does at all) and there is no key to the colour coding used, the interaction points give no information whatsoever and don't provide any details on what is proposed.

I feel that as a tool to explain what the Local Plan is proposing it woefully falls short of the expectation and does not comply with the legal requirement to provide the general public with sufficient information to make an informed decision nor does it comply with the council's Duty to Co-Operate. This is all before what I 'perceive' as being the Local Plan does not, in my opinion, form a sound overall plan although this understanding may be due to the poor amount of information provided or its obfuscated method of presentation.

Modification if applicable

Provide easy to use and understand maps with an appropriate level of colour coding and reference to allow the public to form an informed decision. Follow the basic tenet for IT systems Keep It Simple Stupid!

At least then the public can make a decision based on correct and factual information rather than an interpretation (which everyone will have a different one).

Consider the current global driver for climate change and look to NOT remove further Green Belt land and look to re-purpose existing brown field sites in a more appropriate manner. I am pleased to understand the current Fiddlers Ferry site will be repurposed in such a way but are other sites that should be considered as well.