Respondent name
Gillian Mitchell
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I think the plans to build on Peel Hall is not legally compliant and certainly not compliant with co-operation as the access to this area would cause major traffic issues and pollution. Any extra traffic down Delp Lane would cause major congestion and safety risks. The area of Peel Hall is the last area of open space in the area that is accessible to all. The surrounding areas are already heavily built on and populated and to increase the population and traffic in this area would affect the health and wellbeing for the current population. All Residents have a right to access to open space for their own wellbeing and most householders in the area, of whom I am one, bought their current property, to access these areas for exercise and health benefits, which we are all encouraged to undertake for a healthy lifestyle. Any development on this area would remove this right. The area also provides a habitat, which is constantly under threat for many bird species, I myself can name, Woodpeckers, Jay's, Sparrow Hawks, Buzzards, Kestrels, sparrows, chaffinches, crows, swallows, swifts, herons, foxes, rabbits, squirrels to name but a few. The removal of this open space would cause their destruction. The Residents of the Cinnamon Brow area have consistently fought this development and the fact that this development is still being proposed, demonstrates that co-operation is not being adhered to. It also proposes to remove the one field that the area can access for any field activities - where I played games with my children and still do! The over population of this area will cause untold misery from overcrowding and over population for the remaining walk paths and parks.

Modification if applicable

A small development accessed from the A49 with a small park area included would address some of the housing needs whilst removing overcrowding and traffic issues to the cinnamon brow area and surrounding country lanes. I would keep the majority of Peel Hall open to wildlife and allow people to have areas to walk for their wellbeing from all the surrounding housing.