Respondent name
Victoria Batley
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I do not support the loss of peel hall.
I do not believe the council has fully considered the health & social benefits associated with green space in an extremely deprived area.
The biodiversity loss by developing peel hall has not been fully assessed in what would effectively be destroying an established ecosystem. The value of the ecosystem far outweighs any profit by building on the land.
Directly opposite a school, the impact to air quality by removing the trees has not been considered, an increase in carbon dioxide and PM in the atmosphere has direct health consequences on an arterial route through the town.
At a time when the world is fighting to reduce carbon emissions, the planned development goes against net zero and sustainability guidelines.
The local infrastructure can not cope with additional housing. Education, healthcare and public transport are all under great strain with both primary schools underperforming.
The council has failed to act appropriately based on previous consultations with the public.
The council is providing mixed messages with Labour Local Borough, Town or Local Borough, Town or Parish Councillors stating they stand against plans to develop the land, however still including it repeatedly in consultation. This is not acting transparently.