Respondent name
Jasmin Shaw
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Peel Hall

The idea that a development at Peel Hall could be sold as sustainable is laughable in every sense. The plan speaks in a way that proposes the development will be as ecologically and Residentially sound as possible - but what are the metrics that support this language? What IS fact is that one of the last remaining open parklands of north Warrington will be removed, habitats and eco system destroyed, an extra 2.5k cars added to an already bursting local road network and vital drainage land built upon. We are heading into an environmental catastrophe with our eyes wide open. All logic dictates that this development should not take place and we should not be removing this vital piece of land from the service it provides which is helping to mitigate the pollution and sound from the motorway, providing a home for wildlife that has been destroyed by the many other developments that have sprung up around it over the past 70 years, allowing rainwater run off (my family own the farm on the other side of the M62 opposite the proposed site so I am aware of just how saturated this land is) and helping to absorb the pollution from the many busy routes that surround this village.
I live on Myddleton Lane and work from home in my front window where I see huge tailbacks of traffic daily, junctions at breaking point, frequent speeding and disregard for the village and the Residents as the route becomes a bigger and bigger rat run for surrounding routes and, when the motorway is blocked, complete chaos as every man and his dog diverts his sat nav to cut through here. Our air pollution levels already exceed the national limits for annual nitrogen dioxide (all along the proposed M62 route plus the M6 and A49 of which the village sits at the crossroads of). I have a 6 month old son with a constant chest wheeze and yet we plan to guarantee thousands more vehicle movements daily with complete disregard to the known and already illegal pollution limits at whatever cost that has on the existing Residents and those who would buy this housing.

There is no road access for the site, no desire from the surrounding Residents for it, no environmental mitigation that will ever replace this last parcel of land in this area, no replacement for the vital drainage and pollution absorption that this site provides and absolutely no sustainable argument for it.

Modification if applicable

Point 1 - you are asking local Residents to voice their views to a plan that they have had no part in creating but do so with language like "(NB please note that any non-compliance with the duty to co-operate is incapable of modification at examination)" which is completely alienating to a layperson. I am a university graduate and struggling to read that sentence. This entire consultation has been setup with the aim of making it as difficult as possible for people to object.