Respondent name
Chris Burraston
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I would like to object against the revised local plan 2021 for Warrington namely the South East Urban Extension.

This part of the plan is UNSOUND as the proposed infrastructure won?t be sufficient enough to support 2000+ extra vehicles in the area. Without a train line servicing the south these new developments will be heavily car reliant causing major transport problems across the South of Warrington.

The main areas of concern are,

- Stockton Heath Village
- London Road (Leading onto Junction 10 of the M56 and through Stockton Heath) - Direct Bus Route to Warrington town centre which is congested daily.
- Lumb Brook Road (Leading onto the A56).
- B5356 (Leading onto Junction 20 of the M6).

Any changes to existing road networks will not be enough to ease congestion in these key locations.

National statistics show that on average there are 1.2 cars per household meaning there will be a minimum of 2000 extra vehicles using the already congested roads
It is more than likely that there will be 2 cars per household given that the nearest train station for travelling to Liverpool or Manchester is over 2 miles away through the already congested Stockton Heath village.

It has been noted that there is an emphasis on using buses, walking and cycling. These transport options are completely unrealistic and an outdated model for the South East extension where all the households will be car reliant. Most households rely heavily on private vehicles for the sheer flexibility it offers especially when transporting children around, commuting outside the area, shopping and recreation. There are clearly not enough sustainable transport options available making this plan unsound.

Modification if applicable

The plan needs to look at extending the train line or introduce a tram to service the South of Warrington before it is considered to be sound and before any development is considered.