Respondent name
Matthew Marshall
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

We are losing nearly 1000 acres of green belt in our area, this has not been properly justified. It creates a huge environmental and ecological issue. The current existing 'Green belt boundary was confirmed 7 years ago and was meant to be in place for 20 years. There are many brownfield site across the town that need to be developed as a priority to give the town centre the boost it requires. The plan is 'not sound' as the number houses will lead to increased congestion on our roads which cannot cope with the volume of traffic on them now, the proposed infrastructure changes do not tackle this and in fact will make the problem much worse. Public transport issues are vague at best. Most people who will live in these proposed new houses will still commute to Manchester,Liverpool and beyond. They will not be working at the new warehouse's proposed, simply because these types of jobs do not pay the salary required to then purchase a house in this area. This will lead to an increase of traffic coming from other parts of the town once again increasing traffic levels. The proposed traffic infrastructure solutions are flawed from the start for many reasons. Firstly we are relying on traffic passing over 3 old victorian swing bridges crossing the Manchester ship canal, single lane 'hump back' bridges crossing the Bridgewater canal and a dilapidated Cantilever bridge. The proposed houses on Stockton lane will add to the incredible congestion that already exists, as they attempt to pass under the single lane viaduct bridge. The new junction opposite 'The Spire' will add to the dangerous situation that builds up at the M56 junction at rush hour. This area needs a sound plan to address theses issues now before we blindly start building houses making an already bad situation a lot worse.

Modification if applicable

A much improved road network system around the town needs to put in place before another house is built. Bridges need to be improved, transport links altered. Public transport improved and not just a few extra buses. Brownfield sites around the town need to be developed first. Our green belt is incredibly precious and so important for our mental health and well being, we cannot sacrifice this for an overly ambitious and heavily flawed plan.