Respondent name
Nigel Shaw
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Why Green Belt, where there are few houses or industry. Use land available to the north of Warrington where there are houses and industry, with easy access to the motorway system.
Why no real response to pollution by increased traffic, notwithstanding the governments pie in the sky electric proposals.
Traffic increase through Stockton Heath, Grappenhall, Walton. Stockton Heath in particular will be squeezed between access to/from The 3 motorways. Road infrastructure proposed sadly lacking.
Vast increase in traffic at Junction 19 of M6 and Junction 9 of M56, with no reference to road infrastructure.
This plan gives no guarantees of road improvement (when and what) and no guarantees (when and what) of amenity requirements to include upgrade of Warrington Hospital, schools, shppoing facilities, police enforcement, general amenities and GP?s.
Warrington town centre needs money spending on it. It is a disgusting town centre which has massively deteriorated over the years.
Number of houses proposed is higher than available stats. as houses required.
This plan has been designed by people who have no conception of the current problems experienced in the area from roads to GP?s ans shops to hospitals.
Absolute shambles

Modification if applicable

Vast reduction in housing required on green belt, with more emphasis on brown field sites north of Warrington, Fiddlers Ferry in particular.
More consideration required to improve Warrington Town Centre, which is appalling.
Let?s have a Warrington plan rather than just a South Warrington plan.
Until electric vehicles are the norm this plan is dangerous.