Respondent name
Lynn kennedy
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

This plan does not take into account the fact that we are in an ecological crisis. We need more green spaces not less. To use the green belt in this way is irresponsible and short sighted.
This plan is not sound as there is not enough thought being taken to the effect on the local services. Stockton Heath village and the Cat and Lion traffic lights are already pinch points and cannot accommodate any more traffic. Even if any road improvements are made they will not solve the problem of a massive increase in traffic. The crossings on the Bridgewater and ship canals are a massive problem and no account of how the village will cope with more traffic using the bridges has not been taken into consideration.
The facilities in the area are barely coping now. The doctors are full, the other health care facilities are overwhelmed, the schools cannot cope with the numbers they already have.
This will change the integrity of all the local villages.
The new houses would be beyond the reach of local people so local workers would have to commute.
The new homes in the south are too far from the town?s railway stations for easy access so more car use in the town and local area is inevitable.
There is no justification for the predicted growth that these houses would need.
There is no justification for the scale of green belt destruction.

Modification if applicable

There is a need for alternative sites and brownfield sites to be considered.
The extent of the developments need to be reduced drastically and more thought must be given to the problems of infrastructure.