Respondent name
Brian Pritchard
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Can the plan supersede decisions already made at enquires in the early 2000s that decided against further development on thelwall heys?
As for the rest of the plan, you don?t appear to consider maximum development of existing brownfield sites in Warrington, which are aplenty near the town centre rather than the virgin earth of the south of Warrington? Surely no green belt should be released until all existing brownfield is full.
The current infrastructure cannot iOS with increased car, foot or even cycling as roads are not of the required standard to keep traffic moving and as such will increase already poor air quality in this town. The current bridge structures from the ship canal to the Bridgwater canal cannot cope with current levels of traffic and there is no chance new developments will help this nor are there any mention of additional bridges or changes to existing structures
By expanding the areas you will lose all districts and identities as it merged into one, similar to every high street or shopping centre all the same, with nothing unique or different about them.
Why you are considering the flawed six56 project is beyond me, the area is not the m62 which has space in abundance to develop and build on, this has to be one of the most congested motorway junctions in the country what you are looking at and no amount or change or redesign will be able to change the fact that this junction will grind to a halt throughout the day. Equally 24/7 business when there is a large trading estate already nearby seems pointless and will only add to already consistent and persistent noise Residents already endure from traffic and business
Finally I cannot see how this benefits local people or businesses as most workers won?t be local but rather adding to the problem with travelling in by car as bus services are limited, no train or tram, zero cycle lanes.
I urge you to reconsider this plan

Modification if applicable

See above