Respondent name
Sandy Moor
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

I don?t believe building on green belt land over available brown land is legally compliant, nor do I think it meets the areas assessed needs. The geography of the area along with the canals and motorways means this area is already extremely busy and congested with bottle neck crossings over the canal and motorway.

The above answer is also part of my ?NOT SOUND? answer.

Modification if applicable

I think areas of Warrington that contain lots of brown land should be the very first areas earmarked for development. Plenty of these areas including Fidler?s ferry power station DO NOT have the traffic and congestion restraints caused by the motorway running parallel to the Manchester ship canal like south Warrington does. Besides that point, the areas services are already buckling under pressure!! As an example; we have 1 government ran leisure centre at bridge water high school that?s supposed to serve the entire area, it?s not been touched or updated for about 40 years, half of it is currently shut, it?s a disgrace!

Stockton Heath recycling plant again is supposed to serve the area, it?s absolutely tiny and it?s always qued, not to mention that this is slap bang in the middle of the village that?s always busy, what a stupid idea!

Stockton Heath doctors is another example, whatever time of day you ring, your sat on hold in a que for an hour, it?s just not good enough!! Do you think that thousands more homes BUILD ON GREEN BELT is going to make these issues any better, NO THEY ARN?T! Major infrastructure and investment to the area is needed now, let alone after thousands more homes are built!

The trouble with south Warrington is the geography of the area. Every direction you turn your faced with bottle necks, the motorway and Manchester ship canal are just a nightmare for congestion. Whenever either the M6 or M56 are backed up, Warrington just becomes a car park. The river Mersey running through probably doesn?t help matters either. North Warrington is much more open and is a better clean slate to work with. Bold Heath, Winwick and Croft offer great blank areas to creat. The greedy council & developers want to use south Warrington instead for its resale value and council tax prices instead of giving a dam to the Residents who live in the area and appreciate the landscape.