Respondent name
Edward Beswick
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Legally Compliant
Compliant with the Duty to Co-operate
Oral Examination
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Unsound, based on the following :-

As a Grappenhall Resident for the last 37 years, I am writing to lodge my formal objections to the above referenced development. Having attended the so-called local consultation "workshops", I raised several valid questions in writing with the attending Planning / Development company representatives and have to date received no response at all.

It was noted that the singular absence from these workshops was a representative of the Warrington Borough Council.

I have therefore no option but to re-iterate my deep concerns at the root of this proposed logistics, i.e. unsustainable truck park and warehousing development and question the self-serving motives of the local councilors surrounding its continuation application request.

Find below a synopsis of my previous and current objections : -

1. Has a Transport Assessment has been started/drafted to date.

- Who is producing it ?

- What models are they building of the surrounding roads and junctions ?

- What years are they modelling ?

- Need to see it or be sent a copy of the TA, as I want an independent review undertaking by my own transport consultants ?

2. How many workers are expected on an average day when completed ?

- How many trips per AM and PM peak hour, and per day are forecast in terms of cars and HGVs?

3. How are you proposing to mitigate the additional vehicular traffic this development will attract on the M56 and M6 ?

(the M6, M62, M56 corridor is the most congested section of motorway in the UK).

4. ?Proposing improvements to the dumb-bell roundabout at J20 and the Cliff Lane/Grappenhall Lane roundabout? - what is proposed and why would it enhance capacity, and when do you plan to commit to these enhancements fully.

5. Broad Lane via Grappenhall Village is already a ?rat-run? - this is not mentioned anywhere in the material produced to date, what are you going to do avoid this worsening ?

6. Have Highways England been consulted w.r.t. the impact that this new development would have on their motorway networks ?

7. Given the rural location of this development isn?t a Travel Plan encouraging walking and cycling to work a waste of time, as it will have zero impact on reducing private car travel to/from the site.

Industry standard that walking distances are set at a limit of 2km and cycling at 5km for daily commuting.

8. How much parking is proposed as a ratio to workers. i.e. to restrict parking to say 0.5-0.75 spaces per worker to reduce traffic impact.

Establish a mandatory car-sharing scheme for all employees as a condition of employment. Ref Sellafield - if staff want to drive direct to site

they have to car share ratio of 3 per car, and 2 per car to an off-site park and ride.

9. ?Developing plans to improve bus links to the site?.

- How far have these gone in regards to securing an actual mitigation, and what routes are proposed ? ? NOT THE A50 !

10. ?As the plans develop, a routing strategy will be created which will effectively manage traffic to and from the site, keeping traffic away from

Residential areas and directing it towards the motorway network.?

- How exactly will this work ?

Comment - Feasible for HGV?s, but the majority of traffic movements to/from this site will surely be private cars and vans associated with workers and local distribution.

11. Who the case/planning/transport officer at Warrington Borough Council ? As I would like to see them to raise my issues direct ?.and to be kept informed.

12. When can we see the Planning Application and make written representations ?

13. What environmental impact justification and "very special circumstances" are there for utilising designated Green Belt land when so much empty/under utilised warehousing with motorway access and more appropriate brown belt land already exists on the North and West of Warrington ?

14. What analysis has been undertaken to assess the detrimental impact to air quality on Residents in the effected and adjacent areas ?

15. What analysis has been undertaken to assess the detrimental impact to noise on Residents in the effected and adjacent areas ?


Modification if applicable

Publication of and demonstrating factual responses to the 15 questions listed above based on actual analysis.

Paragraph/policy sub

use of greenbelt for commercial gain.